Balvant Gaming vs Kaal YT: Who has better career stats in Free Fire MAX?


Balvant Gaming vs Kaal YT: Who has better career stats in Free Fire MAX?

Balvant Gaming and Kaal YT are two prominent names in the Indian Free Fire MAX community. Both players have garnered massive followings on YouTube and other social media platforms due to their exceptional gaming skills.

This article compares the career stats of Balvant Gaming and Kaal YT in Free Fire MAX.

Balvant Gaming's Free Fire MAX ID and stats:

Free Fire MAX ID: 325851815

Lifetime stats:

- Matches: 16745
- Wins: 2526
- Kills: 65969
- K/D ratio: 4.57

Ranked stats:

- Matches: 1841
- Wins: 358
- Kills: 6944
- K/D ratio: 4.35

Kaal YT's Free Fire MAX ID and stats:

Free Fire MAX ID: 72805961

Lifetime stats:

- Matches: 14334
- Wins: 2314
- Kills: 54814
- K/D ratio: 4.34

Ranked stats:

- Matches: 1659
- Wins: 295
- Kills: 5782
- K/D ratio: 4.03


Both players have impressive stats, but Balvant Gaming has a slight edge over Kaal YT. He has a better K/D ratio in both lifetime and ranked stats.

However, Kaal YT has more wins in ranked stats. Ultimately, both players are skilled and have their strengths, making them both formidable opponents in Free Fire MAX.


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